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Become a volunteer

Volunteers from Het Roze Huis – çavaria Antwerp promote both their and others’ self-fulfilment in all areas of life, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression. Our volunteer organisation is characterised by a family atmosphere in which we give everyone the opportunity to develop themselves as well as possible. Volunteering creates encounters, connections, and participation.

Everyone associated with Het Roze Huis respects diversity and strives for inclusiveness both within and beyond our rainbow community. At Het Roze Huis, we believe respect for each other and each other’s integrity is paramount. We expect volunteers to be eager to learn, and open to broaden their horizons. This means they are committed to ensure opportunities for everyone, so that everyone can be themselves.

The volunteer scheme offers many opportunities for both Het Roze Huis and our volunteers. Expertise from different perspectives gives us the opportunity to continue to learn and grow as a professional organisation. Volunteers are supported by professional staff.

Bekijk hier onze vacatures

Ter ondersteuning van onze projecten, zijn wij steeds op zoek naar geëngageerde vrijwilligers. Houd onze vacatures hiernaast in de gaten.