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Buddy project for LGBTQIA+ people with a diverse culture backgrounds

Buddyproject Vinden & (Ver)binden

Two years ago, we initiated a buddy project in the city of Antwerp and its surroundings. Starting from 2024, we’re relaunching this buddy project!

The goal is to empower LGBTQIA+ individuals with diverse cultural backgrounds and introduce them to LGBTQIA+ communities. A buddy can make a significant difference!

As a buddy, you commit to meeting with your buddy at least twice a month for a period of six months. You decide the activities you engage in together. Throughout the project, you’ll receive guidance from the coordinator.

The participants

Are you gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, or asexual with a diverse cultural background? Do you wish to connect with people who understand you? Do you think having a buddy could help you get acquainted with other LGBTQIA+ individuals and their activities, or do you need buddy support for other reasons?

Upon registration, an introductory conversation will take place to discuss your expectations. Afterward, we’ll find a volunteer buddy who suits you well.

Could you benefit from the support of a buddy volunteer?

Then sign up as a participant!

Sign up as a participant!
I want a buddy

The volunteer

As a volunteer, you provide a , mental support, and enjoy engaging in activities with the person you’re paired with. This contributes to the well-being and strengthening of the participant’s social network. As a buddy, you meet with the person you support approximately twice a month (or more), deciding together what activities to pursue. This can range from taking a walk, having a coffee, cooking together, to going to a café.

If you sign up as a buddy volunteer, an introductory conversation will precede, discussing how the buddy program operates and your expectations. Before you start as a buddy, you’ll undergo three mandatory training sessions that prepare you for the buddy role. Additionally, you’ll get support by the coordinator throughout the process.

Are you an LGBTQIA+ individual with time to meet up?

Sign up as a volunteer!
I want to become a buddy-volunteer